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About This Blog



This blog recounts the conspiratorial coming of age of a man who once owned a John Lewis sofa and some golf clubs. 

It all started in early 2021. A friend texted me after long absence with an avalanche of enquiry. “All these conspiracy facts I used to go on about,” she wrote, “admit I was right. Horribly right.”


I'd heard these tales of transhumanism, reptilian shapeshifters and secret handshakes, but they never made sense. One world government, sure, that would come, but what of depopulation? Why would capitalism kill off its customers? Anyway, even though I knew of villains in the world, they'd kill each other off before they got to me.


Then I discovered what was written in the Bible. I discovered how all of the Bible is true and in ways I never imagined. 


So what actually changed?


My sofa collapsed (it was rubbish) and I lost the golf clubs. I discovered so much of what I'd known of the world was untrue. All that stuff about politics was made up, globes and science, education and media were deception and mind control, designed to take my gaze away from the Kingdom of Heaven.


And I rediscovered in a wonderful way how Jesus Christ is the Son of God, the Lord of all creation and my Saviour. Maranatha.

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