IT IS STRANGE to imagine Paul McCartney believes he is to have everlasting life.
McCartney's lyrics and album design have been flooded always with Egyptology. The spiritual architecture of the new world order being created around us might be interpreted through Ancient Egyptian ideas of immortality. Immortality for the Ancient Egyptians was hierarchical. Accordingly, we see Facebook building its Metaverse. A first manifestation of the Metaverse was the virtual worldwide platform called Second Life (launched on June 23, 2003, or 6,2x3,2x3, its logo is the Eye of Horus), though the term comes from Neal Stephenson's 1992 novel Snow Crash; these ideas had been examined previously in William Gibson's Neuromancer, published in 1984, and its vision of cyberspace. The Metaverse is designed for the new world order's slave fodder whose existence is to generate the power needed to fire a world where the sun and moon have fallen away. The elite, however, is to place its consciousness into AI's counterfeit heaven, known otherwise as the cloud. Here immortality will be achieved, so is the claim.
False Paul's last album, McCartney III (some suggest this indicates there are three Pauls not two), was released in December 2020 and includes a typical pastoral ditty set to acoustic guitar. When Winter Comes, recorded in 1992 and co-produced with George Martin, incredibly was stowed in the ex-Beatle's vaults for nearly three decades. Its release had always been set to coincide with the end of days.
The song's video is a visual reimagining of the satanic Rapture, the ascension into the cloud. “The sun“ referred to in the song is, of course, the Egyptian god Ra.
We're gonna fly away And find the sun When winter comes
McCartney has used this imagery before when the blackbird flies "into the light of a dark black night."
It's all counterfeit. The true Rapture is when followers of Yahusha HaMashiach are called to meet in the air upon His return.
For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.